
My journey switching from store-bought to homemade, natural products for the home and body.


Homemade Dish Soap

Never sure what to do with your tiny soap bits?  Did you know you can use your bar soap to make liquid dish soap?  It's quick and easy and a little bit goes a long way with this eco-friendly soap.  Oh, and it cuts through grease, too!  If the consistency of your dish soap turns out "gloopy" (like a stretchy, thick consistency), you've done a good job!

  • 1 1/2 qt water
  • 1 c grated castile soap or 1 c soap bits.
  • 1 tbsp vegetable glycerin
  • Essential oils

Heat the water and castile soap over low heat in a medium pan until the soap is dissolved.  

Stir in the glycerin and essential oils.  

Allow to cool to room temperature.  Whisk the gelled mixture.  Store in an empty dish soap bottle or in an air-tight container.